“Hi everyone, Orlando here. I have been doing sooo good off-leash; it’s unbelievably fun exploring the farm with my four-legged friends! Today, my sister Nova and I discovered the BEST thing we have ever smelled in our entire lives... We couldn’t help but to take turns rolling in it!

Mama, on the other hand, was not nearly as impressed with our discovery... Can you believe she put us both in the bath as soon as we got back inside?! How rude of her! We worked hard to get this delectable dead animal smell all over us!”

Long story short, my two troublemakers rolled in something this morning... the smell was so bad, I openly weeped as I bathed them They handled it like the perfect pair of champs they are, especially considering how much they hate water! We certainly won’t be walking that trail for awhile now; I cannot smell the stench my two brought inside today ever again!”

Maddy Smith



