With love, ZAHRA

Hi everyone,

It’s me again Zahra (Flower) with my 7 month pupdate . Now, this is a very important pupdate because I’ve now been with mamzi & meow sisters for as long as I was at the shelter in Lebanon with my doggie mama (Gypsy) and my siblings . Oh, I’m so much happier, more confident and comfortable than I was even a few months ago. Mamzi has learned a lot about me. For example, she knows I love apples and carrots but do not like the greens (broccoli & green beans YUCK ). Because my digestion is now sound mamzi can explore feeding me more things.

Mamzi is very loving and patient with me and she knows that structure and boundaries are important for my confidence and development. Sometimes mamzi does lose her temper like when she’s folding laundry and I want to chew the towels or when I like to lick the ointment off my sister cat’s ears. ‘Ah, ah Zazi’ she says. ‘Ah, ah’ (apparently this ointment is very expensive). She is also easily irritated when I like to nibble her toes on her yoga mat while she is in downward dog . Isn’t that ironic? I’m very smart and know many tricks and can even identify the names of my toys . I now even love this thing known as a ‘boll' . I’m excellent at catching and bringing the boll but still do not understand how to ‘drop the boll’ and so I keep nudging my mamzi with my snout to throw the ball even though its in my mouth. She laughs and laughs ‘Zazi how can I throw the ball if you keep it in your mouth?’ She even has multiple bolls going but still I do not release the boll. And so she laughs and laughs.

Mamzi has heard this saying ‘let sleeping dogs lie’. Mamzi sometimes ignores this and comes over and gives my sleepy snout a kiss. And she loves to tickle the whiskers on my chinny chin chin and nuzzle my ears. I don’t mind. Tho not a cuddler, I like to be touched and smooched and nuzzled. She also checks my paws and teeth to make sure everything is in good working order (it is).I have pretty sensitive skin that easily chaffs (no more harness for me) so she likes to check whats going on. All good here. Mamzi likes to sing me many songs. I’ve never met a hyena, but I figure yep that’s pretty much what one sounds like. Whats that? You have treaties? K, bye…

Zahra (Carolyn Pk)

A perfect dog - RUBY